About boojazz

At the age of fifteen, Michael began his professional career by drawing children’s menus for a chain of restaurants in the Southwest. His experience in graphics, marketing, illustration and video production fill an essential need in advertising agencies, printing companies, and design firms. In the early 2010's Michael blogged for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today on the topic of Digital Reinvention. Some of the clients Michael has worked with include: Microsoft, US – Japan Business Council, RAINN (co-founded by Tori Amos and Sarah McLaughlin), Chicagoland Speedway, Richard Shay Photography, The British Embassy in the United States, Ben Hollis Worldwide, Aphex, & PepsiCo. His previous television work has gained the interest of major studios such as Dreamworks SKG.

The Future of Japanese Entertainment & Culture

By |2025-01-24T02:27:47+00:00January 24th, 2025|Highlighted, Japan Expert Insights|

In this premiere episode, guest Waka (Konohana) Ikeda will discuss the rise of Japonism in the 20th Century and the problems facing Japan that have been revealed through recent international co-productions. Then, she’ll make insightful suggestions on how the Japanese entertainment industry can move forward. Waka san has interviewed countless numbers of Oscar-winning and [...]

After Shogun: What’s Next From Japan?

By |2024-08-20T22:37:22+00:00August 20th, 2024|Film, Highlighted|

From video games such as Persona 5 to novels written by Haruki Murakami, a rich reservoir of anime, manga, and video game content awaits proper adaptation. As we move into the latter half of the 2020s and the 2030s, Japanese-centric entertainment holds the potential to achieve full mainstream status in America.In this episode, Maya, Tim, [...]

Featured on Explore Art Magazine

By |2025-01-21T03:24:08+00:00May 12th, 2024|Art, Highlighted|

We were recently featured artists in the esteemed Explore Art Magazine with Renee Rose regarding our latest art show. The interview was a hoot. Read Renee's commentary below and be sure to support her magazine, which is an important up-and-coming part of the Chicago art scene. A Decade [...]

Convenience Story Q&A with March Schilling

By |2024-04-17T20:41:01+00:00March 30th, 2023|Boojazz, Film, Highlighted, Video|

Here is a post-film Q&A with Mark Schilling, moderated by Chicago-based writer Michael Foster. Special thanks to Sophia Wong Boccio. Mark Schilling (born 1949)[1] is an American film critic, journalist, translator, and author based in Tokyo, Japan. He has written for The Japan Times, Variety, and Screen International. About the Movie [...]

Convenience Story Q&A on March 19th

By |2024-04-17T20:40:54+00:00March 7th, 2023|Boojazz, Film|

Coming up on March 19th, I'll be moderating a Q&A session with the renowned film critic Mark Schilling about the film based on his excellent short story. This is part of the Japanese Showcase Weekend for Sophia Wong Boccio's always impressive Asian Pop-Up Cinema event, this time at the AMC in Evanston. Come on [...]

Romancing Osaka 2: From the Japan Expert Insights Podcast

By |2023-03-07T15:35:26+00:00March 7th, 2023|Boojazz, Film, Video|

Doc Kane and I were invited to speak at “Japan Expert Insights” by the renowned Maya Matsuoka and Tim Sullivan about the romantic comedy I wrote set in Osaka back in December. You can listen to the broadcast in its entirety here!And as always, thanks for the support.ドク・ケインと私は、著名な松岡茉優さんとティム・サリバンさんの「ジャパン・エキスパート・インサイト」に招かれ、12月に私が書いた大阪を舞台にしたラブコメについて話しました。この放送はここで全部聞くことができますよ。そして、いつもながら、応援ありがとうございます。

Romancing Osaka: From the Japan Expert Insights Podcast

By |2023-03-07T15:35:17+00:00November 28th, 2022|Boojazz, Film, Video|

I was invited to speak at "Japan Expert Insights" by the renowned Maya Matsuoka and Tim Sullivan about a romantic comedy I wrote set in the city of Osaka, a film I'm currently working on with the fabulous Doc Kane. Honestly, I don't know if I'm an expert or not, but maybe I can [...]

Japanese Showcase at 2022’s Asian Pop-Up Cinema

By |2024-08-20T22:38:04+00:00September 19th, 2022|Boojazz, Film|

This weekend, there were four outstanding films presented for the Japanese Showcase at 2022's Asian Pop-Up Cinema, Season 15. It was a marvelous time, and there are many more films from South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and many other locations showing in the coming weeks. Highly recommended. Special shout out to Sophia Wong Boccio [...]

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