About Russell C. Smith and Michael Foster

The writing team of Smith and Foster comes from an extensive background of new media content creation. They are both established professionals with careers in literature, design and fine arts each with unique generational perspectives on mass media and global culture.

Is It Time to Start Something New Now?

By |2018-01-27T22:11:31+00:00June 20th, 2014|Huffington Post, Psychology Today|

Situations change when you write thoughts down, ask questions aloud, and get a dialogue going. Asking questions matters. A deeper level of questioning helps to transform the world. If we don’t ask ourselves questions, we become stuck in the same habits and loops.

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Lies, Truth, and Compromises: Are We Hardwired to Lie?

By |2018-01-27T22:11:11+00:00June 16th, 2014|Huffington Post, Psychology Today|

The truth is, we lie far more often than we really need to. Our lizard brain in charge of the flight or fight response still has a difficult time believing we're not in more trouble than we actually are. Instead of running away, we make up lies: small ...

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How Do You Turn On the Motivation Switch?

By |2018-01-27T22:10:41+00:00June 13th, 2014|Huffington Post, Psychology Today|

Motivation has to be there in the background, to help us accomplish daily tasks and big picture goals. Most of us do want to create a better life for ourselves, our friends, family, community, and even the world. Without personal motivation as part of ...

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Reinvent Your Digital Presence, Plan Your Digital Future

By |2018-01-27T22:10:12+00:00June 5th, 2014|Huffington Post, Psychology Today|

The technology allowing us to constantly update our daily behavior is so new, the long-term effects of having a continuous morphing online presence won't be known for years to come.

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Resistance to Reinvention

By |2018-01-27T22:09:35+00:00June 5th, 2014|Huffington Post, Psychology Today|

Even though everyone knows change is inevitable, they resist it. When a career or a personal reinvention is exactly what’s needed to move ahead, people wait for life events to overwhelm them before taking the first steps toward changing their attitudes, habits, and direction.

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Reinvention and the Art of Making Your Own Luck

By |2018-01-27T19:58:49+00:00April 3rd, 2014|Huffington Post|

How lucky do you feel today? Are you waiting for luck to happen to you, or are you in the business of making your own luck? Is luck a matter of knowing the right people, or being the right person?

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Why Is Google Finishing My Sentences, and Facebook Reading My Mind?

By |2018-01-27T19:58:49+00:00March 24th, 2014|Huffington Post|

I wish Google would stop thinking it knows what we're thinking. It doesn't. It's often ludicrously off base, and usually simply annoying. Obviously not what they were going for.

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