Convenience Story Q&A with March Schilling

By |2024-04-17T20:41:01+00:00March 30th, 2023|Boojazz, Film, Highlighted, Video|

Here is a post-film Q&A with Mark Schilling, moderated by Chicago-based writer Michael Foster. Special thanks to Sophia Wong Boccio. Mark Schilling (born 1949)[1] is an American film critic, journalist, translator, and author based in Tokyo, Japan. He has written for The Japan Times, Variety, and Screen International. About the Movie [...]

Romancing Osaka 2: From the Japan Expert Insights Podcast

By |2023-03-07T15:35:26+00:00March 7th, 2023|Boojazz, Film, Video|

Doc Kane and I were invited to speak at “Japan Expert Insights” by the renowned Maya Matsuoka and Tim Sullivan about the romantic comedy I wrote set in Osaka back in December. You can listen to the broadcast in its entirety here!And as always, thanks for the support.ドク・ケインと私は、著名な松岡茉優さんとティム・サリバンさんの「ジャパン・エキスパート・インサイト」に招かれ、12月に私が書いた大阪を舞台にしたラブコメについて話しました。この放送はここで全部聞くことができますよ。そして、いつもながら、応援ありがとうございます。

Romancing Osaka: From the Japan Expert Insights Podcast

By |2023-03-07T15:35:17+00:00November 28th, 2022|Boojazz, Film, Video|

I was invited to speak at "Japan Expert Insights" by the renowned Maya Matsuoka and Tim Sullivan about a romantic comedy I wrote set in the city of Osaka, a film I'm currently working on with the fabulous Doc Kane. Honestly, I don't know if I'm an expert or not, but maybe I can [...]

Four Shorts About Dogs… and 1920s Chicago

By |2025-03-21T15:40:11+00:00May 2nd, 2022|Film, Highlighted, Video|

A series of two-minute films about a good cop and his two dogs planning to take down Johnny the Matchstick Man in 1920s Chicago. Done as a fun little side project, these little clips have become a bit of a novelty. Enjoy! Part One In this episode, a plot to take [...]

Would Persona 5 Work as a Film Series? A Persona 5 Live-Action Movie Adaptation Synopsis

By |2022-10-28T22:52:44+00:00November 14th, 2020|Boojazz, Commentary, Film, Highlighted, Video|

An in-depth overview of how one of the greatest video games of this generation could be translated into a highly successful film trilogy. (First published on November 14th, 2020. The latest revision was in May of 2022.) The Harry Potter and Hunger Games films were groundbreaking epics that pushed the [...]

Life in Purgatory: A Short Film During Covid

By |2024-04-17T20:41:49+00:00May 3rd, 2020|Boojazz, Highlighted, Video|

This was really just supposed to be a two minute clip for the The Roger Corman Quarantine Film Festival but it turned into this whole thing. We shot it over a weekend, edited and reworked it some more... a few pick up shots here and there, and boom... a short film. A couple of [...]

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